Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Ac Tah on the Power of Thoughts and Energy

Below is the transcript of the video above (well, the video seems to have been removed). My comments are in []

I'm going to explain to you and to conclude how energies function from our point of view. Imagine all of you want a world of peace, but the two of us, we want a world that's aggressive. So you all think that because you are many, you are going to create this world of peace, but without realizing it, that you are actually supporting our way of thinking, the one that's aggressive.

Why? Very simple, every 25,000 years, in the sun there appears a crown, for us it means the time when we synchronize our bodies. This crown increases the power of our thought. So every time our way of thinking accelerates. People get sicker faster, and those who want to get healthy, they cure themselves faster. So we become very powerful in our mind. In the last few years, we have achieved this power, but we haven't yet arrived at the highest level of this power. This is coming in next year because this energy is increasing. All of us are receptors of this energy. So the more sun energy that come through solar winds. The energy of the earth that is surrounded by the electromagnetic field, the solar winds and the energy from the sun are actually bombarding earth from all sides. Only a few years ago it would only enter the earth from the north and south poles. But that's not the way it is anymore, now it's coming from every parts of the earth. And this has increased the neurological energy of our brain. People are developing more abilities. Now people talk about energy, they can heal with their hands, they heal with quartz, they can heal across distance, they call down the angles. We become very powerful, now we just think, things happen.

[Above confirms with Ra's teaching about the 25k-year cycle: that every 25k years those who are ready can ascend to the next density. Ac Tah tells how part of this process is facilitated on our 3D earth -- very interesting.]

Now in this world that's aggressive, the two of us are going to plan together. And (you realize that) we are going to plan, I'm going to sit down and think how to convert the world into a world of aggression. And we are going start trial and error, so every day we are going to be thinking and thinking how to be aggressive. So we are all an antenna, there are so many of you are thinking about peaceful and two of us are thinking about aggression, and then the energy from the sun arrives at the earth, and it rolls all around and it concentrates itself between two of us. And you say “how come?” “why?” “we are more who want peace.” But it has to do with thinking. Aggressive people think a lot. People who wants peace are not always thinking about peace. The majority of people who think about peace only begin to think more about peace only when they are forced to leave their level of comfort, when they are force to leave, when they lose their work, so definitely this world is just chaos. When their partners leave them, or when they realize that their kids are not what they wanted. This is how the it is successively. That's when they began to think about peace. It's when there begin to be scarcity, that's when they begin to think about peace.

[Our thoughts/minds are powerful -- this is the teaching from many sources. But what he said here seems to contradict what he said in the previous video in the sequence, that we think too much. I guess what he meant was we think a lot, but not about peace, or thinking about peace really means expressing desire for peace.]

However, if two of us continue to think about how to create this world of aggression, even if you want the world of peace, you are contributing to us. How? We are going to imagine that we are divided in three groups. We are the groups of morning, afternoon and evening. Those in the morning want peace. But at some point in the morning they get angry. So they get angry, and this also creates an expansive wave, and it supports two of us. And we become more powerful. So they stop being angry, then we are at the group at the middle of the day, and these still get angry, and they also support us. Then they calm down and stop being angry, then people at night get angry. And this is also helping in increase our power. So you realize that every time you get angry, you are helping us more and more. And so it has to do with the way you think. If you want a world of peace, you have to think about it.

[Ac Tah is saying because majority of those who want peace only think about peace when they are out of their comfort zones, they tend to think about peace in anger and frustration, and this in term is actually contributing energy to those who think aggression. In another word, desiring peace in anger and frustration does not bring more energy to peace.

And this piece of information can also be taken as non-helpful by those who desire peace yet is angry and frustrated.  They would feel they are being accused of doing something wrong when trying to do something right. But this information is not to be taken judgmentally, it's meant to guide us to our goals, to know that the next step in the process is to let go the anger and frustration. I find this information resonate because it reflects my personal experience. I remember when I start to become aware of our true nature and how far we have strayed from it, fear came first, then along came anger. But without the experience of being fearful and angry, I may not have learned the need for the the balanced middle. 

I feel weary of any movement that seem to have the intention of peace but are (sometimes overtly) driven by anger and hatred, such as the Anonymous. I knew good intentions have been used to repeat the history of aggression, now Ac Tah explained how and why. No wonder those who favor aggression always encourages extremism, on even on the opposite side, because extremism at either side promotes aggression. To most powerful weapon we have against aggression is non-aggression (simple yet hard to do ;)]

For example, if you were to stop thinking and say I don't want to do anything. You have to do something. Because you can't just leave this disperse of energy, because then the energy is just going to us two. Because this energy that you are not using, we are going to start using it. So you have to think. And for this reason it is very important to move energy, and it's only going to be just one minute. If each person just thought one minute a day, then the energy wouldn't be concentrate on just two of us, the energy will began to raise, then we will have to begin to enter the game of peace. It doesn't have to do with protesting, it doesn't have to do with self discipline, or doing something extraordinary, or many hours, just one minute. Everybody in the world can do one minute. And there's no way to say no, at minimum is when you going to the bathroom. Whatever you do in the bathroom, you just say “this is for peace”, and you are extending this energy. You just have to be creative, that's it.

[It only needs a minute, is it because there are literally so many of us (peaceful) than them (aggressive), as Ra have explained; or is it because we only need to strengthen a desire, without over-thinking it, i.e. without deciding how peace should come about?]

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