Friday, 2 May 2014

Life Is a Fantasy?

What if you are an omnipotent being that can do and have anything? What would you fantasize about? Apparently, you would fantasize what it would be like when you don't have all the powers, when you are not omnipotent and omnipresent, when you are separated and alone.

Such is our lives, wise men said. We are that omnipotent being putting its fantasy of separation at work. But how can we truly experience separation when we are omnipotent? We can play pretend, like we build roller coasters to experience the thrill of danger, experiencing not really being in control. According to some, we (it) did that. But playing pretend just isn't thrilling enough, it's not real enough, we know it's just playing pretend. So it devised something even more clever -- something called forgetting. Instead of being omnipresence, it separates itself into individual awareness, and to make the separation look real, it makes each mind forget who they are. As we were born into this world, we entered the world of separation and forgetting.

But there is more to just experience separation and all that comes with it, we made it a challenging game as well. With total forgetfulness, can we find out way back to the source? can we figure out who we are? After all, we are not truly separated. Maybe there are even little hints left in the subconscious mind, the god complex?

As far as I can tell, it's this aspect of the game that got us to create the ego, something that looks like our true selves (the omnipotent being) but is made in separation, something that's unreal. One thing lead to another, instead of pursuing inwardly to find the true self, many are clinging outwardly to the ego. We can make the ego look omnipotent, powerful and connected. But ego can also make us feel weak, powerless, and separated. Fear makes us clinging to the ego without realizing we are already what we want to make our ego to be.

When you know this is true, then you start to recognize all the things ego clings to, and they become a bit comical. Just take this song:

How sad and moving and heart breaking. Aren't we just a bunch of drama queens? We can mope over something so unreal. Yet being omnipotent we cannot truly feel what the song describes, maybe that's what attracted some of us here.

But for most of us, we had enough of this drama, we've experienced enough to know what it's like. It's time to finish the game by solving the puzzle, to figure out what we are and learn how we can build a wonderous world even in the separated state, and then move on to the next level.

Life is a fantasy. But it's fantastic because powers are reduced and hidden from us. The reality is actually the wildest fantasies that we would not dare to imagine. Who could have thought of that? ;-)

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