People of true understanding nourish sages and through them, nourish the whole world.
When two people are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or of bronze.
Natural law is easy to follow because it operates along the path of least resistance.
It is who we think we are who speaks and acts -- not who we are.
Everything clings to that which gives it life.
Rest must follow activity if energy is to be renewed.
Universal law provides that everything changes except Universal law.
Catastrophe is a Universal tap on the shoulder.
-- (from the author:) The wisest person feels reverence at those times and examines his life to see if his affairs are in order and if he is living the life of the superior person. That is the great value of those events.
Great and difficult goals are accomplished in simple, easy steps.
Events are the language of the Universe.
He sets limitations for himself within which he experiences complete freedom.
He sees opposition as a signpost deflecting him in the right direction.
Only through daily self-renewal of character can you continue at the height of your powers.
I Ching talks about the superior person, which I think is the equivalent of the "adept" that Ra speaks of in Law of One. It is the person I strive to be.
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